
Hello and thanks for dropping by. I write fun, heart-warming romances for you to escape into.

I live have spent my professional life writing legal advice – which some may say is similar to creative writing– but the lack of sexy heroes and happy endings led me to try writing romance.

I love Earl Grey tea, talking about which of Jane Austen’s novels is my favourite, and searching for the perfect frock. I will read anything, but love romance most of all.

My latest release is Painting the Princess, is out now here.

If you would like to receive information about new releases and giveaways you can sign up for my very irregular newsletter here.

You can find me on:

Instagram @justinelewisauthor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjustinelewis

Twitter: @justineromance

or contact me at justinelewisauthor@gmail.com.

